
Magno Sound & Video
729 Seventh Avenue
New York, NY  10019

Magno is an industry powerhouse that ranks as the East Coast’s largest and most comprehensive post-production facility. S E R V I C E S : Video editing, Telecine Color Correction, Archival Film Transfer, Compression, DVD, Encoding, Authoring, Computer Graphics and Animation, Duplication, Restoration, Technologies for the Hearing and Sight Impaired, Evaluation/Quality Control

listed under:
video sound mixing, film to video / film scanning, cd production, closed captioning, compression, sound recording - mixing/dubbing, video screening, screening rooms, audio post production, mixing - film, standards conversions, video duplication & distribution, pal - video editing, stage rentals & television studios, high definition production & post production, telecine, video editing, dvd authoring / duplication / replication, post production services, alphabetical,