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All Listings > computer rentals > T2 Computing

T2 Computing
353 West 39th Street
New York, NY 10018

Tekserve is a privately held company with over 175 employees, operating in New York City and serving clients worldwide. Tekserve was founded in 1987 by David Lerner and Dick Demenus to provide service for customers needing Apple computer repairs at reasonable prices. Having met that need, they were encouraged to expand the business to offer Macintosh sales and consulting services as well.

In 2001, Matthew Cohen joined the company bringing an additional area of expertise to Tekserve: Creative Solutions for Graphic, Audio and Video professionals. Tekserve is able to design, configure and support systems with hardware and software from multiple vendors to meet specific customer needs.

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Last modified: 7/17/2018 11:21:54 AM

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