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All Listings > advertising agencies > Weber Shandwick

Weber Shandwick
8687 Melrose Avenue, 4th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90069

Weber Shandwick’s broadcast media services is a leading provider of strategic communications and media services. Providing clients with unparalleled expertise in electronic media and in creating visual elements, Weber Shandwick helps clients tell stories that engage audiences. To this end, it also offers a full range of media services to assist clients in every step of planning and implementing a media campaign. Weber Shandwick's services include: * Strategic communications and consulting * Media training and messaging * Corporate video production * B-roll production and distribution * Satellite media tours * Radio media tours * In-studio 1:1s * Audio bitelines (audio production and distribution) * Press conferences * Live transmissions * Still photography * Webcasting

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Last modified: 8/7/2017 10:15:14 AM

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